NGI Publikasjoner
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NGI Publication # 0011953Norges geotekniske institutt / O. Folkestad, L. Bjerrum. / / Geotekniske betraktninger over jords anvendelse som byggemateriale / O. Eide, L. Bjerrum / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0021953Landslips in Norwegian quick-clays / P. Holmsen. / / Considerations on the sensitivity of Norwegian quick-clays / I. Th. Rosenqvist / / (Avec résumés en français)
NGI Publication # 0031953Les pieux de fondation en Norvège / L. Bjerrum / / Une analyse energetique du battage des pieux a l'aide de parametre sans dimension / N. Janbu / / Porenwasser-Spannungen beim Bau von Erddammen / L. Bjerrum / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0041954Geotechnical properties of Norwegian marine clays / L. Bjerrum. / / (Avec résumés en français)
NGI Publication # 0051954Theoretical and experimental investigations on the shear strength of soils / L. Bjerrum / Published in co-operation with the laboratory of hydraulic research and soil mechanics at the Swiss federal institute of technology / / (Mit Zusammenfassung in deutscher Sprache)
NGI Publication # 0061954Beretning over Norges geotekniske institutts virksomhet fra starten til 31. desember 1953 / Norges geotekniske institutt. / / En geotekniker ser på byplanen / L. Bjerrum / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0071955Norske jordarter og geotekniske problemer knyttet til dem / Dr. Gunnar Holmsen. / / Undervannsskred i Trondheim havneområde / S. Skaven-Haug. / / Norske marine leirers geotekniske egenskaper / L. Bjerrum. / / Fysikalsk -kjemisk -mineralogiske undersøkelser over norske leir-jordarter / I.Th.Rosenqvist. / / (Fire foredrag holdt ved Nordisk geoteknikermøte i Oslo, 24. til 26. mai 1954) / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0081955Korrosjon av stålpeler / I. Th. Rosenqvist / / Kjemisk bergartsforvitring belyst ved en del leirprofiler : Chemical weathering of minerals illustrated by some clay profiles / J. Moum, I. Th. Rosenqvist / / Cation exchange capacity of soil determined by calcium-45 / I. Th. Rosenqvist / / The conception of homogeneity./ L. Bjerrum /
NGI Publication # 0091955Investigations in the clay-electrolyte-water system / I. Th. Rosenqvist / / (Med sammendrag på norsk)
NGI Publication # 0101955The slide at Bekkelaget / O. Eide and L. Bjerrum. / / Stability of natural slopes in quick clay / L. Bjerrum
NGI Publication # 0111955Geotekniske observasjoner fra utførelsen av Tyholt jordtunnel / H. Hartmark. / / Skredet ved Bekkelaget i Oslo, 7. oktober 1953 / O. Eide. / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0121956Grunnforhold og fundamenteringsmuligheter i Østlandets leirer / L. Bjerrum / / Fundamentering av oljetank i Drammen / O. Kummeneje / / Om korrosjon og korrosjonsbeskyttelse av stålpeler / I.Th. Rosenqvist / / Grunnundersøkelser for Horten kaianlegg / H. A. Sevaldson / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0131956On the sulphides of the alum shale in Oslo / Chr. Oftedahl / / Bidrag til østlandsleirenes petrografi / I. Th. Rosenqvist / / Undersøkelser av alunskifer i Oslo-området / I. Th. Rosenqvist / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0141956Besondere erdbaumechanische Probleme Norwegens / L. Bjerrum / / Stabilitet av avstivede utgravinger i leire / L. Bjerrum og O. Eide / / Anvendelse av torv i dammer / AA. Tveiten / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0151956Beretning over Norges geotekniske institutts virksomhet fra 1. januar 1954 til 31. desember 1955 / Norges geotekniske institutt / / Norske leirskred og deres geoteknikk / L. Bjerrum og I. Th. Rosenqvist / / Fjellskredet ved Tjelle : et 200-års minne / F. A. Jørstad / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0161956Veiledning ved løsning av fundamenteringsoppgaver / N. Janbu, L. Bjerrum og B. Kjærnsli. / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0171956Opptagning av uforstyrrede jordprøver/ R. Chr. Vold / / Ramforsøk på stålpeler / R. Chr. Vold / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0181956Bæreevne av peler i sand / O. Eide / / Stabilitetsundersøkelse av elvebredden på Bragernes i Drammen / B. Kjærnsli / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0191956Stability of strutted excavations in clay / L. Bjerrum and O. Eide. / / Raset i Lodalen 6. oktober 1954 / R. A. Sevaldson. / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0201957Micropaleontology applied to soil mechanics in Norway / R. W. Feyling-Hanssen. / / (Sammendrag på norsk)
NGI Publication # 0211957Triaxial equipment developed at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute / A. Andresen, L. Bjerrum, E. DiBiagio og B. Kjærnsli / / (Sammendrag på norsk)
NGI Publication # 0221957Bidrag til belysning av visse bygningstekniske problemer ved Oslo-områdets alunskifere / R. Bastiansen, J. Moum og I.Th. Rosenqvist
NGI Publication # 0231957Norwegian experiences with steel piles to rock / L. Bjerrum. / / Jordtemperaturen i Øst-Norge / J. Moum og I. Th. Rosenqvist. / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0241957The slide in Lodalen, October 6th, 1954 / R. A. Sevaldson. / / Analysis of the stability of some Norwegian natural clay slopes / L. Bjerrum and B. Kjærnsli. / / (Avec résumés en Français)
NGI Publication # 0251957Varieties of submarine slope failures / K. Terzaghi. / / Some experiments with artificially sedimented clays / L. Bjerrum and I. Th. Rosenqvist. / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0261957Measurement of the Permeability of Compacted Clays / L. Bjerrum and J. Huder. / / On the Weathering of Young Marine Clay / J. Moum and I.Th. Rosenqvist. / / Foundation Failure of an Oil Tank in Fredrikstad, Norway / L. Bjerrum and A. Överland. / / Settlement Studies on two Structures in Norway / N. Simons. / / Buckling Tests of Slender Steel Piles in Soft, Quick Clay / A. Brandtzaeg and E. Harboe. / / Earth Pressures and Bearing Capacity Calculations by Generalized Procedure of Slices / N. Janbu. / / Earth Pressure Measurements In a Trench Excavated in Stiff Marine Clay / E. DiBiagio adn L. Bjerrum. / / (Avec résumeś en Français) / / (Norwegian contributions to the Fourth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering in London, August 1957)
NGI Publication # 0271958A Contribution to the settlement analysis of foundations on clay / A. W. Skempton and L. Bjerrum. / / Montmorillonitt fra Fortun i Sogn / I. Th. Rosenqvist. / / Modellforsøk og teoretiske analyser av filterbrønners virkning for reguleringsdam / N. Janbu. / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0281958Avstivningskrefter i en grøft i marin tørrskorpeleire / E. DiBiagio og L. Bjerrum. / / Vane testing in Norway / A. Andresen and L. Bjerrum / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0291958Mikropaleontologiens teknikk ; Stratigrafi og skjærefasthet : et geoteknisk problem geologisk belyst / R. W. Feyling Hanssen. / / Katodisk reaksjon ved korrosjon av stål i jord / J. Moum, I. Th. Rosenqvist og P. Y. Tiberghien. / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0301959Beretning over Norges geotekniske institutts virksomhet fra 1. januar 1956 til 31. desember 1957. / / Norges geotekniske institutt : et nytt institutt for et nytt fagområde / L. Bjerrum. / / Naturvidenskapelige problemer i jordmekanikk / I. Th. Rosenqvist. / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0311959Strength of higly plastic clays / A. Casagrande and P. J. Rivard. / / Laboratory tests on highly plastic clay from Seven Sisters, Canada / N. Simons
NGI Publication # 0321960The principle of effective stress / A. W. Bishop. / / Norska erfarenheter av stålpålar till berg / L. Bjerrum. / / Montmorillonitt fra Skyvedalen i Hemsedal / I. Th. Rosenqvist. / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0331960Meassurements of Strut Loads In The Excavation for Oslo Technical School / O. Eide And L. J. Johannessen. / / Test Section and Installation of Test Equipment, Oslo Subway / L J. Johannessen. / / An Earth Pressure Cell for use on Sheet Piles, Oslo Subway / K. Øien. / / Test Results, Oslo Subway / B. Kjærnsli. / / The Effect of Time on the Shear Strength of a Soft Marine Clay / L. Bjerrum, N. Simons And L. Torblaa. / / Laboratory Determinations of the Coefficient of Earth Pressure at Rest (Discussion) / N. Simons. / / Some Notes on Earth Pressures in Stiff Fissured Clay / L. Bjerrum and R. Kirkedam. / / (Norwegian contributions to the Brussels Conference 1958 On Earth Pressure Problems).
NGI Publication # 0341960The relevance of the triaxial test to the solution of stability problems / A. W. Bishop and L. Bjerrum / / A contribution to the American Society of Civil Engineers, Research Conference on Shear Strength of Cohesive Soils, 13-17 June, 1960, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
NGI Publication # 0351960Norwegian Triaxial Equipment and Technique / A. Andresen and N. E. Simons. / / Comparison of Shear Strength Characteristics of Normally Consolidated Clays / L. Bjerrum and N. E. Simons / / Comprehensive Investigations of the Shear Strength of an Undisturbed Drammen Clay / N. E. Simons / / The Effect of Overconsolidation on the Shear Strength Characteristics of an Undisturbed Oslo Clay / N. E. Simons.
NGI Publication # 0361960The development of soil mechanics in Sweden, 1900-1925 / L. Bjerrum and N. Flodin. / / Protection against frost heaving on the Norwegian railways / Sv. Skaven-Haug.
NGI Publication # 0371960Physio-chemical properties of soils: soil water systems / I. Th. Rosenqvist. / / Hydrogen(protium)-deuterium exchange in clays / J. Moum and I. Th. Rosenqvist. / / Sulphate attack on concrete in the Oslo region / J. Moum and I. Th. Rosenqvist
NGI Publication # 0381961Sandkolmation / E. M. Sergejev. / / Fundamental shear strength properties of the lilla edet clay / L. Bjerrum and T. H. / / Shear strength properties of two normally consolidated norwegian clays / N. Simons
NGI Publication # 0391961Setninger ved fundamentering på leire : tilbygg til Rødskog skole ved Drammen / O. Eide og N. Simons. / / Bygging av fyllingsdam ved Bordalsvatn ; Drenering av bygninger / H. Døhlen og A. Sande. / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0401961Beretning over Norges Geotekniske Institutts virksomhet fra 1. januar 1958 til 31. desember 1959. / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0411961Pore pressures resulting from driving piles in soft clay / L. Bjerrum and I. J. Johannessen. / / A theory of consolidation for soils exhibiting secondary compression / R. E. Gibson and K. Y. Lo
NGI Publication # 0421961Subsoil corrosion of steel / I. Th. Rosenqvist
NGI Publication # 0431961Bedeutung und Anwendbarkeit des Dreiachsialversuches für die Lösung von Standsicherheitsaufgaben / A. W. Bishop und L. Bjerrum [übersetzung: Deutshe Gesellschaft für Erd- und Grundbau e.V., Hamburg] / / Original title: The relevance of the Triaxial Test to the solution of stability problems
NGI Publication # 0441961A landslide on a thin layer of quick clay at Furre, Central Norway / J. N. Hutchinson. / / Shearing resistance of sand samples with circular and rectangular cross sections / L. Bjerrum and O. Kummeneje / / (Avec résumés en Français)
NGI Publication # 0451961The effective shear strength parameters of sensitive clays / L. Bjerrum. / The shear strength of a fine sand / L. Bjerrum, S. Kringstad and O. Kummenje. / / Stress-strain relationship and pore water pressure characteristics of a normally-consolidated clay / K.Y.Lo. / / The mechanical properties of montmorillonitic and illitic clays related to the electrolytes of the pore water / J. Moum and I.Th. Rosenqvist. / / Investigation of loose sand deposits by blasting / O. Kummeneje and O. Eide. / / Short and long-tenn test loading of a friction pile in clay / O. Eide, J.N. Hutchinson and A. Landva. / / Strut loads and related measurements on contract 63a of the Oslo Subway / E. DiBiagio and B. Kjærnsli. / / (Contributions to the fifth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering) / / (Avec résumés en Français)
NGI Publication # 0461961Frostsikker fundamenteringsdybde for byggverk og vannledninger / Sv. Skaven-Haug. / / Korrosjon av armeringsstål i betong / I. Th. Rosenqvist. / / Korrosjon av støpejernsledning forårsaket av vagabonderende vekselstrøm / J. Moum / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0471961Tilbakeblikk ved årsskiftet 1961/62 : artikler tilegnet Olav Folkestad. / / Et tilbakeblikk over Norges Geotekniske Institutts tilblivelse og vekst, fra 1947 til 1962 / L. Bjerrum, O. Eide og B. Kjærnsli. / / Den geotekniske utvikling i Norge frem til ca. 1950 / S. Skaven-Haug. / / Den geotekniske utvikling i Norge i de siste 10 år / Jan Friis. / / Fra betongdammer til fyllingsdammer / Sig. Aalefjær. / / Tunnelbanen i Oslo og geoteknikken / Odd Svennar. / / Geoteknikkens anvendelse i praksis sett fra en bygningsteknisk konsulents synspunkt / Olaf Abel Engh. / Geonor A.S / Ole Elsrud. / / Undervisning og utdannelse innen det geotekniske felt / N. Janbu. / / Norges geotekniske institutts 10-årige virke i kurver og tall / R. Bøhn. / / Norges geotekniske institutts virksomhet i årene 1952 -1961 bibliografisk fremstilt / Finn A. Jørstad.
NGI Publication # 0481962Deformasjoner av fyllingsdammer / B. Kjærnsli. / / Asfalt på fyllingsdammer / B. Kjærnsli og I. Torblaa / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0491962Stability investigations of the north bank of the Drammen River / B. Kjærnsli and N. Simons. / / Skredet ved Furre, 14. april 1959 / J. N. Hutchinson and L. Bjerrum. Grunnundersøkelser og fundamenteringsforhold ved / Tromsøbroen / Å. Eggestad. / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0501963Karl Terzaghi - grunnleggeren av den moderne geoteknikk / N. Janbu. Stability of steep slopes on hard unweathered rock / K. Terzaghi. / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0511963Large scale field shear box tests on quick clay / J. N. Hutchinson and E. N. Rolfsen. / / Fundamentering av midtblokken på Ullevål sykehus / O. Eide og I. J. Johannessen. / / Hydrerte cementmineralers forhold overfor aggressive vanntyper sett i relasjon til betongkorrosjon / A. Kjennerud. / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0521963On the long-term stability of slopes ; Soil mechanics in the USSR / G. Ter-Stepanian.
NGI Publication # 0531963Shear strength properties of a sample of volcanic material of the valley of Mexico / K. Y. Lo. / / Secondary compression of clays / K. Y. Lo. / / Technical reports: announcement of a new NGI publication series / L. Bjerrum
NGI Publication # 0541963The influence of physico-chemical factors upon the mechanical properties of clays / I. Th. Rosenqvist / / Studies in position and mobility of the H atoms in hydrous micas / I. Th. Rosenqvist
NGI Publication # 0551963Fundamenteringsforhold ved Telegrafverkets nye administrasjonsbygg i Oslo / O. Eide og Å. Eggestad. / / Erfaring med borede peler direkte utstøpt i grunnen : franki-, benetopeler og pillarer. Liste over symboler anbefalt til bruk i geotekniske arbeider
NGI Publication # 0561963Equipment for cutting and mounting, undisturbed specimens of clay in testing devices / A. Landva. / / The interfacial energy ice/water / E. Hesstvedt. / / An investigation of the validity of three pile driving formulae in cohesionless material / K. Flaate
NGI Publication # 0571963Effect of aging on the shear-strength properties of a normally consolidated clay / L. Bjerrum, K.Y. Lo. / / Some Norwegian studies and experiences with swelling materials in rock gouges / L. Bjerrum, T.L. Brekke, J. Moum, R. Selmer-Olsen.
NGI Publication # 0581964Settlements in Soft Clay Around a Pumped Excavation in Oslo / J. N. Hutchinson. / / Settlement studies on a nine storey apartment building at Økernbråten, Oslo / N. Simons. / / Interpretation of loading test on sand /L. Bjerrum and Å. Eggestad. / / Deformation measurements below a model footing on the surface of dry sand / Å. Eggestad. / / Settlement damage to a concrete-framed structure / S. Fjeld. / / (Contributions to the European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Wiesbaden, 15.-18. Oct. 1963) / (Avec résumés en Français)
NGI Publication # 0591964Geotechnical observations during construction of a tunnel through soft clay in Trondheim, Norway / H. Hartmark. / / Saponite from Veo, Jotumheimen / J. Moum and O. I. Sopp. / / Halloysitt i sleppeleire ved Slemmestad / F. Jørstad og J. Moum. / / (With summaries in English)
NGI Publication # 0601964Med geoteknikeren på byggeplassen : beretning over Norges geotekniske institutts virksomhet fra 1. januar 1962 til 31. desember 1963
NGI Publication # 0611965The landslide of February, 1959, at Vibstad in Namdalen / J. N. Hutchinson. / / Proportions of cohesion and of internal friction in the strength of rocks / V. Mencl. / / Investigations of some clay materials from rock gouges in Norway / J. Moum
NGI Publication # 0621965Sea-level movements and the geologic histories of the post-glacial marine soils at Boston, Nicolet, Ottawa and Oslo / T. C. Kenney. / / A statistical analysis of some methods for shear strength determination in soil mechanics / K. Flaate. / / Consolidation investigation on undisturbed Fornebu clay / N. E. Simons
NGI Publication # 0631965Permeability ratio of repeatedly layered soils / T.C. Kenney. / / Pore pressures and bearing capacity of layered clays / T.C. Kenney. / / Stability of cuts in soft soils / T.C. Kenney.
NGI Publication # 0641965Measuring instrument for strutted excavations / L. Bjerrum, T. C. Kenney and B. Kjærnsli. / / Subsoil conditions and the bearing capacity of pil es at the site of a New Fishery Station, Ernakulam, Kerala, South India / O. Eide. / / Observations of the drag load on a steel pile to roch due to settlement of clay / I. J. Johannessen
NGI Publication # 0651965Compression of tunnel spoil at Venemo Dam / K. Hølestøl, B. Kjærnsli og I. Torblaa. / / Vane triaxial apparatus / T.C. Kenney, A. Landva. / / Measurement of the compression of a steel pile to rock due to settlement of the surrounding clay / I.J. Johannsen, L. Bjerrum. / / N.G.I. gas-operated, sea-floor sampler / A. Andresen, S. Sollie, A.F. Richards. / / A study of the effect of vane shape and rate of strain on the measured values of in-situ shear strength of clays / G. Aas. / / (Contributions to the sixth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering)
NGI Publication # 0661966Beispiele von Verdichtungen an Staudämmen in Norwegen / B. Kjærnsli. / / Design and construction of Mänika Dam / L. Bjerrum and B. Kjærnsli. Compressibility of som coarse-grained materials / B. Kjærnsli and A. Sande
NGI Publication # 0671966Stabilitet av fjellskråninger i Norge / L. Bjerrum og F. Jørstad. / / Jettegryter og anleggsarbeide / F. Jørstad. / / Problèmes de fondation dans les argiles sensibles de Norvège / L. Bjerrum
NGI Publication # 0681966Beretning over Norges geotekniske institutts virksomhet fra 1. januar 1964 til 31. desember 1965
NGI Publication # 0691966The Venemo asphalt-faced rock-fill dam / B. Kjærnsli and I. Torblaa. / / Laboratory tests on asphaltic concrete for an impervious membrane on the Venemo rock-fill dam / B. Kjærnsli, J. Moum ans I. Torblaa
NGI Publication # 0701966Direct simple-shear tests on a Norwegian quick clay / L. Bjerrum and A. Landva. / / Geotekniske problemer ved utførelsen av Tunnelbanen fra Jernbanetorvet til Tøyen / L. Bjerrum, O. Eide, B. Kjernsli. / / Anvendelse av kompensert fundamentering i Norge / L. Bjerrum, O. Eide. / / Falling Drop used for Grain-Size Analysis of Fine-Grained Materials / J. Moum.
NGI Publication # 0711967Engineering geology of Norwegian normally-consolidated marine clays as related to settlements of buildings (seventh Rankine lecture) / L. Bjerrum
NGI Publication # 0721967Properties and behaviour of freezing soils / P. J. Williams
NGI Publication # 0731968Secondary settlements of structures subjected to large variations in live load / L. Bjerrum. / / An inspection vane / A. Andresen and S. Sollie. / / Fundamentering på grus- og steinfyllinger / B. Kjærnsli
NGI Publication # 0741968Application of electro-osmosis to a foundation problem in a Norwegian quick clay / L. Bjerrum, J. Moum and O. Eide. / / Stability of the Vajont valley slope / T. C. Kenney / / (Avec résumés françaises)
NGI Publication # 0751968Beretning over Norges geotekniske institutts virksomhet fra 1. januar 1966 til 31. desember 1967
NGI Publication # 0761968Slide behaviour and shear resistance of a quick clay determined from a study of the landslide at Selnes, Norway / T.C. Kenney. / / The in situ undrained shear strength measured on a horizontal failure plane by large-scale direct shear tests in quick clay / E. DiBiagio, G. Aas. / / Vane tests for investigation of anisotropy of undrained shear strength of clays / G. Aas. / / Field measurements of in situ stresses in quick clays / T.C. Kenney. / / An experimental study of bonds in a natural clay / T.C. Kenney, J. Moum, T. Berre. / / The influence of mineral composition on the residual strength of natural soils / T.C. Kenney. / / (Contributions to the Geotechnical Conference, Oslo 1967) / (Avec résumés en Français)
NGI Publication # 0771968Progressive failure in slopes of overconsolidated plastic clay and clay shales (The Third Terzaghi Lecture) / L. Bjerrum
NGI Publication # 0781968Loading tests on piles driven into estuarine clays at Port of Khorramshahr, and observations on the effect of bitumen coatings on shaft bearing capacity / J. N. Hutshinson and E. V. Jensen. / / Geotechnical problems with soft Bangkok clay on the Nakhon Sawan highway project / O. Eide
NGI Publication # 0791968Stability of rock slopes in Norway / L. Bjerrum and F. Jørstad. / / Waves generated by landslides in Norwegian fjords and lakes / F. Jørstad
NGI Publication # 0801968Leakage through horizontal cracks in the core of Hyttejuvet Dam / Kjærnsli, B., Torblaa, I. / / The Bordal earth- and rockfill dam / Sande, A. / / Drainage galleries in moraine deposits at Sønstevatn dam / Sande, A. / / Grouting of the limestone foundation for the Arstaddalen Dam / Bjerrum, L., Torblaa, I. / / Chemical grouting at Songa Dam II / Holestøl, K. / / General procedure in investigation, design and control during construction of earth- and rockfill dams in Norway / Kjærnsli, B. / / (Papers on earth- and rockfill dams in Norway prepared for the 36th executive meeting of ICOLD)
NGI Publication # 0811968Slides in subaqueous slopes in loose sand and silt / A. Andresen and L. Bjerrum. / / Kriechen von Böschungen in vorbelasteten Tonen / L. Bjerrum. / / Tilsynelatende overkonsolideringseffekt og sekundære setninger i normalkonsoliderte marine leirer / I. Foss. / / Stabilization of Undisturbed Quick Clay by Salt Wells / J. Moum, O.I. Sopp, T. Løken.
NGI Publication # 0821970Undrained behaviour of quick clay under load tests at Åsrum / K. Höeg , O. B. Andersland and E. N. Rolfsen. / / Corrosion and thermal conditions for pipe materials in a trench backfilled with peat and bark / J. Moum, O. I. Sopp and K. Tungesvik
NGI Publication # 0831970Empirisk regel for bestemmelse av avstivningskrefter i utgravninger i Oslo-leire / B. Kjærnsli. / / Leirskred i Norge / F. A. Jörstad
NGI Publication # 0841970Beretning over Norges geotekniske institutts virksomhet fra 1. januar 1968 til 31. desember 1969 / / (With summary in English)
NGI Publication # 0851971Settlements during leaching. Contribution to specialty session 7 / Bjerrum, L. / / Sampling disturbance of soft marine clays / Berre, T., Schjetne, K., Sollie, S. / / Weathering of marine clays in temperate climates / Bjerrum, L. / / Secondary settlements of buildings in Drammen, Norway / Foss, I. / / Fifty years of soil mechanics. Presidential adress at the Opening session / Bjerrum, L. / / A field study of factors responsible for quick clay slides / Bjerrum, L., Løken, T., Heiberg, S., Foster, R. / / Reduction of negative skin friction on steel piles to rock / Bjerrum, L., Johannessen, I.J., Eide, O. / / Effect of rate of strain on undrained shear strength of soft clays. Contribution to panel discussion, main session 5 / Bjerrum, L. / / Principles of stability calculations. Contribution to panel discussion, main session 5 / Bjerrum, L. / / (Contributions to the seventh International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Mexico 1969)
NGI Publication # 0861971Betong i alunskifer : resultater av Alunskiferutvalgets forsøksvirksomhet 1947-1963 : rapport utarbeidet for Norges statsbaner og Oslo kommune / av O. Fiskaa, H. Hansen, J. Moum
NGI Publication # 0871971Grain size, mineralogy and chemistry of a quick clay sample from the Ullensaker slide, Norway / R. W. Berry and P. Jørgensen. / / Recent research at the Norwegian geotechnical institute concerning the influence of chemical additions on quick clay / T. Løken. / / The geochemistry of leached Drammen marine clay / T. Løken and J. K. Torrance
NGI Publication # 0881971Erosion studies in a marine clay deposit at Romerike, Norway / R. H. Foster and S. Heiberg. / / Ice sandwich - functional semipermeable membrane / R. D. Miller. Subaqueous slope failures in Norwegian fjords / L. Bjerrum
NGI Publication # 0891971Kvikkleireskred : et studium av årsaksforhold og forbygningsmuligheter / L. Bjerrum
NGI Publication # 0901972Oedometer tests with different specimen heights on a clay exhibiting large secondary compression / T. Berre and K. Iversen. / / The consolidation of soils exhibiting creep under constant effective stress / J. E. Garlanger. / / The design of frost foundations, frostheat and soilheat / S. Skaven-Haug
NGI Publication # 0911972Full scale field tests with a slurry trench excavation in soft clay / DiBiagio, E., Myrvoll, F. / / Special application of cast-in-place walls for tunnels in soft clay in Oslo / Eide, O., Aas, G., Jøsang, T. / / Earth pressures on flexible structures;state-of-the-art report / Bjerrum, L., Clausen, C.J.F., Duncan, J.M. / / In-situ measurements of lateral pressures in clay / Bjerrum, L., Andersen, K.H. / / Earth pressure measured against a section of a basement wall / Clausen, C.J.F., Johansen, S. / / Earth pressure measurements on a braced slurry trench wall in soft clay / DiBiagio, E., Roti, J.A. / / (Contributions to the fifth European conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Madrid 1972)
NGI Publication # 0921972Beretning over Norges geotekniske institutts virksomhet fra 1. januar 1970 til 31. desember 1971
NGI Publication # 0931972A New Ring Shear Apparatus and its Application to the Measurement of Residual Strength / A.W.Bishop, G.E. Green, V.K. Garga, A. Andresen, J.D. Brown.
NGI Publication # 0941972Hydraulic fracturing in field permeability testing / L. Bjerrum [et al.]. / / The measurement of pore pressure during sampling / K. Schjetne. / / Analyse av geotekniske problemer ved hjelp av elementmetoden / K. H. Andersen and C.-J. Frimann Clausen
NGI Publication # 0951973Embankments on Soft Ground. State-of-the-Art report / L. Bjerrum. / / Test Fills to Failure on the Soft Bangkok Clay / O. Eide, S. Holmberg. / / Movements in Dams due to Reservoir Filling / E. S. Nobari and L. M. Duncan / / The Effect of Rate of Loading on the p.-Value Observed in Consolidation Tests on Soft Clays / L. Bjerrum. / / (Contributions to the American Society of Civil Engineers Conference on performance of Earth and Earth-Supported Structures. Purdue, Lafayette, Indiana 1972)
NGI Publication # 0961973Braced cuts in sand and clay / K. Flaate and R. B. Peck. / / Stress conditions on NGI simple shear test / A. S. Lucks ... [et al.]. / / A geochemical investigation of tje sensitivity of a normally consolidated clay from Drammen, Norway (with discussion) / J. Moum, T. Løken, J. K. Torrance
NGI Publication # 0971973Sammenheng mellom tid, deformasjoner og spenninger for normalkonsoliderte marine leirer / T. Berre. / / Leakage of gas from underground storage facilities in rock / E. DiBiagio. / / (Bidrag til Nordisk geoteknikermøte Trondheim 1972)
NGI Publication # 0981973New waterproofing technique for norwegian dam / B. Kjærnsli and A. Sande. / / Allowable settlements of structures / L. Bjerrum. / / Case record of the slope failure that initiated the retrogressive quick-clay landslide at Ullensaker, Norway / T. C. Kenney and P. Drury
NGI Publication # 0991973Shear strength of normally consolidated clays / Berre, T., Bjerrum, L. / / Fifteen storey building on plastic clay in Drammen, Norway / Engesgaar, H. / / Load tests on friction piles in loose sand / Gregersen, O., Aas, G., DiBiagio, E. / / (Contribution to the eighth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Moscow 1973)
NGI Publication # 1001974Bibliography of papers by Laurits Bjerrum / Strøm, L., Øiseth, U. / / Biography of Laurits Bjerrum / Eide, O. / / Problems of soil mechanics and construction on soft clays. State-of-the-art report to session IV / Bjerrum, L. / / Geotechnical problems involved in foundations of structures in the North Sea / Bjerrum, L. / / (Laurits Bjerrum volume)
NGI Publication # 1011973Betong i alunskifer : resultater av alunskiferutvalgets forsøksvirksomhet 1963-1972 : rapport utarbeidet for Norges statsbaner og Oslo kommune / av O. M. Fiskaa
NGI Publication # 1021974Beretning over Norges geotekniske institutts virksomhet fra 1. januar 1972 til 31. desember 1973
NGI Publication # 1031974Marine soil mechanics / O. Eide
NGI Publication # 1041974A new method for compaction control of sand / Å. Eggestad. / / A laboratory investigation of the effect of leaching on the compressibility and shear strength of Norwegian marine clays / J. K. Torrance. / / Overvannstunnel i Bærum : erfaringer fra forinjiseringsarbeider / E. Hoel
NGI Publication # 105 1974A review of the shear strength of filled discontinuities in rock / N. Barton / / Review of a new shear strength criterion for rock joints / N. Barton
NGI Publication # 1061974Engineering classification of rock masses for the design of tunnel support / N. Barton, R. Lien and J. Lunde
NGI Publication # 1071975Probabilistic analysis and design of a retaining wall / K. Høeg and R. P. Murarka / / Effective Stress-Strain-Strength Model for Soils / J.H. Prévost and K. Høeg / / A Fifty-Year Settlement Record of a Heavy Builiding on Compressible Clay / K.H. Andersen and CJF Clausen / / The Paraffin Method - Triaxial Testing Without a Rubber Membrane / K. Iversen adn J. Moum /
NGI Publication # 1081975Observed behaviour of the Ekofisk oil storage tank foundation / C. J. F. Clausen [et al.] / / Analysis of pressuremeter in strain-softening soil / J. H. Prévost and K. Høeg
NGI Publication # 1091976Decision theory applied to settlement predictions / J. I. Folayan, K. Høeg and J. R. Benjamin / / Differential piezometer probe for an in situ measurement of sea-floor pore-pressure / A. F. Richards ... [et al.] / / Soil mechanics and plasticity analysis of strain softening / J.-H. Prévost and K. Høeg
NGI Publication # 1101976Bruk og misbruk av regnemaskiner og numeriske metoder i geoteknikk; Use and misuse of computers and numerical methods in geotechnical engineering / Høeg, K. / / Prøvefylling til brudd på bløt leire; Test fill to failure on soft clay / DiBiagio, E., Stenhamar, P. / / Jordskjelv, virkning av avstand og lokale grunnforhold på rystelsenes egenskaper; Earthquakes, the effect of distance and local ground conditions on the ground motion characteristics / Selnes, P.B. / / Fundamentering av gravitasjonsplattformer i Nordsjøen; Foundations for gravity platforms in the North Sea / Clausen, C.J.F. / / Borrigg og metoder for vegtraceundersøkelser; A drillrig for site investigations in road planning / Andresen, A., Rygg, N. / / Skjærforsøk i full målestokk på Oslo-leire; Natural scale shear test on Oslo clay / Myrvoll, F., Karlsrud, K. / Investigations of the mechanical properties of rockfill for the Svartevann Dam, using triaxial, oedometer and plate bearing tests / Valstad, T., Strøm, E. / / Skred som følge av peleramming i bløt leire; Slide as a result of piledriving /Aas, G. / / Bruk av triaxial- og direkte skjærforsøk til løsning av geotekniske problemer; The use of triaxial and simple shear tests for solving geotechnical problems / Berre, T. / / Praktiske erfaringer med utførelse av slissevegger i Oslo-leire; Practical experience from the excavation of slurry trenches in Oslo / Karlsrud, K. / / The determination of deformation and shear strength parameters for sands using the electrical friction-cone penetrometer / Holden, J.
NGI Publication # 1111976Performance of a strutted excavation in quick clay/ Karlsrud, K., Myrvoll, F. / / Stability of slurry trench excavations in soft clay / Aas, G.
NGI Publication # 1121976Beretning over Norges geotekniske institutts virksomhet fra 1. januar 1974 til 31. desember 1975. With summary in English.
NGI Publication # 1131976Effect of cyclic loading on clay behaviour / Andersen, K.H., Brown, S.F., Foss, I., Pool, J.H., Rosenbrand, W.F. / / Installation of the Shell/Esso Brent B Condeep production platform / Eide, O., Larsen, L.G., Mo, O. / / Foundation engineering for gravity structures in the North Sea / Schjetne, K. / / Stability calculations for offshore gravity structures / Lauritzsen, R., Schjetne, K.
NGI Publication # 1141976Foundation engineering for fixed offshore structures. State-of-the-Art/ Høeg, K. / / Geology of superficial sediments in the northern North Sea / Løken, T. / / Instrumentation of gravity platforms for performance observations / DiBiagio, E., Myrvoll, F., Hansen, S.B. / / Behaviour of clay subjected to undrained cyclic loading / Andersen, K.H. / / Analysis of wave-structure-soil system;case study of a gravity platform / Bell, K., Hansteen, O.E., Larsen, P.K., Smith, E.K. /
NGI Publication # 1151977Description of a drainage gallery for stabilizing the left abutment of Muravatn Dam, Southern Norway / K. Y. Nilsen and R. Lien / / Thoughts Concerning the Unusual Behaviour of Hyttejuvet Dam. / D.M. Wood, B. Kjærnsli, K. Høeg / / Dam Tunsbergdalsvatn. A Dam Subjected to Waves Generated by Avalanches, and to Extreme Floods from a Glacier Lake. / K. Lied, A. Palmstrøm, B. Shieldrop and I. Torblaa / / Field Instrumentation - A Geotechnical Tool. /E. DiBiagio
NGI Publication # 1161977Correlations between cone resistance and vane shear strength in some Scandinavian soft to medium stiff clays / T. Lunne, O. Eide & J. deRuiter / / Reanalysis of simple shear soil testing / J. H. Prevost and K. Høeg. Snow pressure on rigid obstacles / D. McClung
NGI Publication # 1171977Interpretation and significance of anisotropic deformation behaviour of soft clays / K. Y. Lo, G. A. Leonards and C. Yuen. / / Undrained stress-strain-time behaviour of clays ; Mathematical modelling of monotonic and cyclic undrained clay behaviour / J.-H. Prévost
NGI Publication # 1181977Slide in overconsolidated clay below an embankment / Janbu, N., Kjekstad, O., Senneset, K. / / Plasticity model for undrained stress-strain behaviour / Prevost, J.-H., Høeg, K. / / The effect of drainage on cyclic loading of clay / Brown, S.F., Andersen, K.H., McElvaney, J. / / Side friction of piles in clay / Flaate, K., Selnes, P.B.
NGI Publication # 1191978Recent experiences with the Q-system of tunnel support design / N. Barton / / The Shear Strength of Rock and Rock Joints / N. Barton / / The Shear Strength of Rock Joints in Theory and Practice / N. Barton
NGI Publication # 1201978Soil deformations due to cyclic loads on offshore structures / K. H. Andersen etal. / / Probabilistic considerations in the foundation engineering for offshore structures / K. Høeg and W. H. Tang
NGI Publication # 1211978Direct simple shear tests on snow and their relation to slab avalanche formation / D. McClung. / / Some properties of Norwegian tills ; Compaction and permeability at proctor optimum for some Norwegian tills / P. Jørgensen
NGI Publication # 1221978Beretning over Norges geotekniske institutts virksomhet fra 1. januar 1976 til 31. desember 1977 : Oversikt over NGIs virksomhet i 1976-77 / K. Høeg / / 25 år med fyllingsdammer / B. Kjærnsli / / Fundamentering av plattformer i Nordsjøen / O. Eide / / Dyputgravinger og fundamentering i bløt leire - en utfordrmg til geoteknikere / G. Aas og O. Eide / / Grunnundersøkelser og laboratorieundersøkelser gjennom 25 år / A. Andresen og T. Berre / / Skred og skredfare / F. Jørstad og K. Lied / / Undersjøisk tunnel Rafnes-Herøya / R. Lien og K. Garshol / / Måleteknisk instrumentering i marken / E. DiBiagio / / Administrasjon, økonomi og opplysningsvirksomhet / F. Jørstad
NGI Publication # 1231978Deformation computations in geotechnical engineering / K. Høeg / / Subsidence Problems Caused by Rock-Tunnelling in Oslo / K. Karlsrud and L. Sander / / Cone Resistance as Measure of Sand Strength / J.K. Mitchell and T. Lunne / / Exploration, Sampling and in-situ Teting of Soft Clay in Bangkok Area / O. Eide
NGI Publication # 1241978Installation of the Elf TCP2 condeep platform at the Frigg Field / O. Kjekstad and F. Stub / / Comparison Betwen In Situ Cone Resistance and Laboratory Strength for Overconsolidated North Sea Clays / O. Kjekstad, T.Lunne, CJF Clausen / / Assessment of the Effectiveness of Corrective Measures in Relation to Geological Conditions and Types of Slow Movement / J. Hutchinson / / Consolidation During Construction of Earth Dams / S. Cavoundis adn K. Høeg /
NGI Publication # 1251979Thermodynamic equilibrium between ice and water in porous media / J. P. G. Loch / / Stress-strain behaviour from stress path tests / W. A. Marr and K. Høeg / / Pore pressure generation / F. P. Smits, K. H. Andersen and G. Gudehus
NGI Publication # 1261979Properties of an artificially cemented clay / K.P. Fischer, K.H. Andersen and J. Moum / / Skredfare, boligplanlegging og ekspertens rolle overfor oppdragsgiver / K. Lied / / The performance of a high pressure propane storage cavern in unlined rock cavern, Rafnes, Norway / P.M. Johansen, B. Kjærnsli and R. Lien / / A review of norvegian rock caverns storing oil products or gas under high pressure or low temperature / R. Lien and F. Løset /
NGI Publication # 1271979Soil parameters used for design gravity platforms in the North Sea / O. Kjekstad and T. Lunne / / Prediction and observation of a model gravity platform on Drammen clay / K. H. Andersen etal. / / Observed foundation behaviour of concrete gravity platforms installed in the North Sea 1973-78 / O. Eide, K. H. Andersen, and T. Lunne
NGI Publication # 1281979The use of cone penetrometer tests to compute penetration resistance of steel skirts underneath North Sea gravity platforms / T. Lunne and H. D. St. John / / Comparison between large-scale in-situ shear test and results of triaxial tests on Oslo clay / K. Karlsrud / / Deformations of membrance-faced rockfill dams / C. Soydemir and B. Kjærnsli / / The quick-clay slide at Baastad, Norway, 1974 / O. Gregersen and T. Løken
NGI Publication # 1291979Procedures used to obtain soil parameters for foundation engineering in the North Sea / A. Andresen [et al.] / / Installation of concrete gravity structures in the North Sea / O. Eide, O. Kjekstad and E. Brylawski / / Foundation engineering for offshore gravity structures / K. Schjetne [et al.]
NGI Publication # 1301980The NGI 54-mm samplers for undisturbed sampling of clays and representative sampling of coarser materials / A. Andresen and P. Kolstad / / Offshore soil sampling in the North Sea / K. Schjetne and Ed. Brylawski / / On the accuracy of mode superposition analysis in structural dynamics / O. E. Hansteen and K. Bell / / Earthquake parameters for use in engineering design in Scandinavia / P. B. Selnes
NGI Publication # 1311980Cyclic and static laboratory tests on Drammen clay / K. H. Andersen [et al.] / / Probabilistic evaluation of penetration resistance / W. H. Tang
NGI Publication # 1321980Beretning over Norges geotekniske institutts virksomhet fra 1. januar 1978 til 31. desember 1979: Oversikt over NGls virksomhet i 1978-79. / K. Høeg / / Vurdering av korttidsstabilitet i leire på basis av udrenert skjærfasthet / G. Aas / / Kvikkleireskredet i Rissa / O. Gregersen / / Deformasjoner av gruntliggende bergrom med svært store spermvidder - modellforsøk og beregninger / N. Barton og H. Hansteen / / Skredfarevurdering / E. Hestnes / / Boring i fast lagrede og steinholdige masser / A. Andersen og I.J. Johannessen / / Målinger fra Condeep-plattformen på Brent B / K.H. Andersen, E. DiBiagio og O.E. Hansteen / / Jordskjelvanalyse for rørledning på norsk kontinentalsokkel / P.B. Selnes og A. Kleven / / Jordskjelvanalyse av Oddatjørndammen / T. Valstad og H. Hansteen / / Administrasjon, økonomi og opplysningsvirksomhet / F. Jørstad
NGI Publication # 1331981Empirical calculations of snow-avalanche run-out distance based on topographic parameters / K. Lied and S. Bakkehøi / / Natural-hazard maps for land-use planning in Norway / E. Hestnes and K. Lied / / In-situ estimates of the tensile strength of snow utilizing large sample sizes / D. M. McClung
NGI Publication # 1341981Where has all the judgement gone / R. B. Peck / / Triaxial testing at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute / T. Berre / / Earthquake risk on the Norwegian continental shelf / P. B. Selnes [et al.]
NGI Publication # 1351981Stability of natural slopes in quick clays / G. Aas / / The quick clay landslide in Rissa, Norway / O. Gregersen / / Performance of the Brent B offshore platform / O. E. Hansteen, E. DiBiagio, and K. H. Andersen / / In situ characteristics of two Norwegian clays / S. Lacasse ... [et al.].
NGI Publication # 1361981Shear strength of rockfill / N. Barton and B. Kjærnsli / / Sensitivity of computed nonlinear effective stress soil response to shear modulus relationships / T. J. Larkin and N. C. Donovan / / Komprimeringskontroll for sand og grus / Å. Eggestad / / On the computation of parameters that model snow avalanche motions / S. Bakkehøi ... [et al.]
NGI Publication # 1371981Instrumentation and data acquisition / E. DiBiagio, S. Borg Hansen, and T. Wetlesen / / Foundation performance / K. H. Andersen and P. M. Aas / / Dynamic performance / O. E. Hansteen /
NGI Publication # 1381982Future needs and directions in geotechnical engineering : research and practice / K. Høeg / / Penetration tests in two Norwegian clays / S. Lacasse and T. Lunne / / Boundary effects in the laboratory calibration of a cone penetration for sand / A. K. Parkin and T. Lunne / / Laboratory determination of strength properties of frozen salt marine clays / G. Aas
NGI Publication # 1391982Observed settlements of five North Sea gravity platforms / T. Lunne, F. Myrvoll, and O. Kjekstad / / Role of CPT in North Sea foundation engineering / T. Lunne and A. Kleven
NGI Publication # 1401982Geotechnical problems in offshore earthquake engineering / P. B. Selnes
NGI Publication # 1411982Et utvalg artikler om NGI-prosjekter: / Asfalttetning i fyllingsdammer på fremmarsj / Where has all the judgment gone? / Preparering av kjernefundament ved fyllingsdammer / Nye boligfelt ofte skredutsatt / Betongplattformene i Nordsjøen sikkert fundamentert / «Kalkpeler» stabiliserte rasområdet i Fredrikstad / Store setninger av tunge bygg på sand / Mye is i Svalbards byggegrunn / Kjemisk stabilisering av leire / Prøvevoll mot snøskred bygget i Stryn / Cellespuntkaier er kommet for å bli / Program for beregning av pelefundamenterte konstruksjoner / Fundamenters bæreevne på leire reduseres ved syklisk belastning / Skred i Norskerenna ikke utelukket
NGI Publication # 1421982Design, construction control, and performance of the Svartevann earth-rockfill dam / B. Kjærnsli ... [et al.] / / Field instrumentation, observations, and performance evaluations for the Svartevann dam / E. DiBiagio ... [et al.]
NGI Publication # 1431982Analysis of the pile foundation system for a North Sea drilling platform / C. J. F. Clausen, P. M. Aas and I. B. Almeland / / Review af Foundation Design Principles for Offshore Gravity Platforms / K.H. Andersen, S. Lacasse, P.M. Aas adn E. Andenæs / / Reduction of Pore Water Pressure Beneath Concrete Gravity Platforms / O. Eide, A. Andresen, R. Jonsrud and E. Andenæs / / Soil Flows Generated- by Submarine Slides - Case Studies and Consequences / L. Edgers and K. Karlsrud / / Seaquakes: A Potential Threat to Offshore Structures / K. Hove, P.B. Selnes and H. Bungum
NGI Publication # 1441983Geotechnical issues in offshore engineering : state-of-the-art report presented at BOSS '82 / K. Høeg
NGI Publication # 1451983Static plate loading tests on overconsolidated clay / K. H. Andersen and P. Stenhamar / / Platform movements due to foundation overloading / S. Lacasse / / Specimen size effect in simple shear test / M. Vucetic and S. Lacasse
NGI Publication # 1461983Dilatometer tests in two soft marine clays ; In situ horizontal stress from pressuremeter tests / S. Lacasse and T. Lunne / / Soil investigation for a North Sea Gravity platform / T. Lunne, T. I. Tjelta and S. Lacasse
NGI Publication # 1471983P. M. Johansen: Tetning ved injeksjon / / G. Vik: Lekkasje fra luftputekamre / / F. Løset: Ingeniørgeologiske erfaringer fra kloakktunnelen Lysaker - Slemmestad / / K. Karlsrud: Drenasje og setningsproblemer i forbindelse med fjelltunneler i Oslo-området / / O. Eide: Drenering og markforsterkning ved installerte vertikaldren / / P. M. Johansen: Stabilitet av damfundament, Førrevassdammen / / O. Gregersen: Fundamentering på Svalbard: Arbeider utført av NTNFs Utvalg for permafrost
NGI Publication # 1481983A geotechnical engineer's 7th sense / E. DiBiagio / / Is limit state design a judgement killer? / K. Mortensen
NGI Publication # 1491983Performance and design of slurry walls in soft clay / K. Karlsrud / / Lateral stress measurements during static and cyclic direct simple shear testing / R. Dyvik and T. F. Zimmie / / Cyclic simple shear behavior of fine grained soils / R. Dyvik, T. F. Zimmie and P. Schimelfenyg /
NGI Publication # 1501984Bedre prøvetaking i grove masser; Improved sampling in coarse-grained soils. / / Geologisk kartlegging viktig ved turmeldrift; Geological mapping is important for tunnelling. / / Et borhull å krabbe ned i; A borehole to climb down into. / / Ny blokkprøvetager i kvikkleire; Block samling for quick clays. / / Landsomfattende kartlegging av kvikkleireområder i gang; Country-wide mapping of quick clay areas started. / / Jordskjelvrisikoen på kontinentalsokkelen; Earthquake risk on the Continental Shelf. / / Vanligere med «in-situs-målinger; Investigation of in situ testing devices. / / Verdens største med asfaltkjerne (Storvassdammen); Central impervious membrane of asphaltic concrete in the Storvatn dam. / / Geotekniske røntgenundersøkelser offshore; Radiography of soil samples offshore. /
NGI Publication # 1511984Stabilization of sensitive clays with hydroxy-aluminium compared with unslaked lime / O. R. Bryhn, T. Løken, and G. Aas / / Unconventional Concepts for Dykes and Dams on Soft Clay Foundations / O. Eide, S. Lacasse, B. Kjærnsli and P.S. Hafskjold / / Norwegian Practice in Instrumenting Dams / K. Y. Nilsen, E. DiBiagio and A. Andresen / / Calculation of Snow Avalanche Runout Distance / S. Bakkehøi, U. Domaas and K. Lied.
NGI Publication # 1521984Probabilistic stability analysis of gravity platforms / W. H. Tang, K. A. Michols, and O. Kjekstad / / Deformation behaviour of soils in terms of soil moduli / O. Tokheim / / SPLICE : a computer program for analysing structure-pile soil interaction problems / C. J. Frimann Clausen, P. M. Aas, and E. Hasle
NGI Publication # 1531984Kartlegging av snøskred- og steinsprangfare ved hjelp av EDB-baserte metoder; Mapping of snow avalanche - and rockfall hazard by use of EDP-based methods / Toppe, R og Lied, K. / / Radiography offshore to assess sample quality / Lacasse, S., Iversen, K., Sandbækken, G., Morstad, P. / / Telens innflytelse på nedgravde rør; The effect of frost action on buried pipes / Gregersen, O. / / Bestemmelse av friksjon på bergsprekker; Measuring the friction angles of rock joints / Vik, G. / / Assessment of rock quality by means of cross hole seismic. Report from field work/ By, T.L. / / In situ testing: new developments / Aas, G., Lacasse, S., Lunne, T., Madshus, C. / / Feltforsøk med instrumentert stålrørspel i overkonsolidert leire; Field tests on an instrumented steel tube pile in overconsolidated clay / Karlsrud, K., Haugen, T. / / Bergmekaniske målinger ved Sima kraftverk; Rock mechanical measurements at Sima Power Plant / Johansen, P.M.
NGI Publication # 1541984Foundation engineering for gravity structures in the northern North Sea / O. Eide and K. H. Andersen
NGI Publication # 1551985Seismically induced movement of retaining walls / F. Nadim and R. V. Whitman / / Coupled sliding and tilting of gravity retaining walls during earthquakes / F. Nadim and R. V. Whitman / / Instrumentation and performance observations offshore / E. DiBiagio and K. Høeg
NGI Publication # 1561985Interpretation of cone penetrometer data for offshore sands / T. Lunne and H. P. Christoffersen / / Instruments and instrumentation techniques used to monitor the performance of offshore structures / E. DiBiagio / / Stability problems in a deep excavation in clay / G. Aas
NGI Publication # 1571985Vanskelig byggegrop i Singapore: NGl hindret kollaps av stålspunt / / Kartlegging av sprekker i fjell ved bergdynamikk / / Fundamentering av dypvannsplattformer : Dårligere grunn og resonansproblemer / / Knematerdrift i tunnel i Vest-Agder. Gode erfaringer i vanskelig fjell / / Utviklingstrekk og muligheter for sikring av veger mot snøskred / / Tunnel/bergrom 1983: Mindre volum, men mer fullprofilboring / / Gode erfaringer med dreietrykksonderinger gjennom 15 år /
NGI Publication # 1581985Can we predict landslide hazards in soft sensitive clays? : summary of Norwegian practice and experiences / K. Karlsrud, G. Aas, and O. Gregersen
NGI Publication # 1591985Engineering properties and foundation design alternatives in marine Svea clay, Svalbard / O. Gregersen, A. Phukan, and T. Johansen / / Evaluation of Self-Boring Pressuremeter / V. Ghionna, M. Jamiolkowski, S. Lacasse, C.C. Ladd, R. Lancellotta and T. Lunne / / Yielding in Soft Clay at Mastemyr, Norway / C.J.F. Clausen, J. Graham and D.M. Wood / / Stabilty of Ekofisk Tank: Reliability Analysis / T.H. Wu, R.E. Martinez and O. Kjekstad
NGI Publication # 1601985Comparison of snow pressure measurements and theoretical predictions / D. M. McClung, J. O. Larsen, and S. B. Hansen / / The temporal and spatial variation of snow pressure on structures / J. O. Larsen, D. M. McClung, and S. B. Hansen / / Particle simulation of snow avalanche motion / R. Perla, K. Lied, and K. Kristensen
NGI Publication # 1611986Low tuned compressor foundations on soft clay / C. Madshus ... [et al.] / / Lab measurements of Gmax using bender elements / R. Dyvik and C. Madshus / / Corrosion of steel in concrete : some fundamental aspects of concrete with added silica / K. P. Fischer, O. Bryhn, and P. Aagaard
NGI Publication # 1621986Experimental studies of scale effects on the shear behaviour of rock joints / S. Bandis, A. C. Lumsden, and N. R. Barton / / Effects of rock mass deformation on tunnel performance in seismic regions / N. Barton / / Strength, deformation and conductivity coupling of rock joints / N. Barton, S. Bandis, and K. Bakhtar
NGI Publication # 1631986Engineering Use of Piezoeane Data in North Sea Clays / T. LUNNE, H. P. CHRISTOFFERSEN, AND T. TJELTA / / Coefficient of Lateral Stress from Oedometer Cell / R. DYVIK, S. LACASSE, AND R. T. MARTIN / / Axial Static Capacity of Steel Model Piles in Overconsolidated Clay / K. KARLSRUD AND T. HAUGEN / / Soil Structure Interaction Study for a Piled Concrete Platform / C. J. F. CLAUSEN, o. KJEKSTAD, AND O. E. HANSTEEN
NGI Publication # 1641986Application of a New Numerical Model of Joint Behaviour to Rock Mechanics Problems / S. Bandis, N. Barton and M. Christianson / / Predicted and Measured Hydraulic Conductivity of Rock Joints / S. Bandis, A. Makurat and G. Vik / / Rock Joint Modelling Applied to Jointed Reservoirs / N. Barton / / Acoustic Monitoring of in Situ Static Deformation Modulus at a Dam Site / T.L. By / / Cross Hole Seismic Investigation for Characterization of the Rock Foundation at the Site of a Large Rock Fill Dam / T.L. By / / Vibration in Rock and Soil. Norwegian Practice Regarding Damage Criteria and Ground Vibration Limits in Urban Areas / T.L. By
NGI Publication # 1651986Field instrumentation and performance observations for the Vatndalsvatn dams / F. Myrvoll, S. Larsen, A. Sande, and N. B. Romslo / / Instrumentation of Norwegian embankment dams / E. DeBiagio and B. Kjærnsli / / Instrumentation techniques and equipment used to monitor the performance of Norwegian embankment dams / E. DeBiagio and F. Myrvoll / / Foundation treatment at Nerskogen dam / T. Tveit, A. Beitnes, and P.M. Johansen
NGI Publication # 1661986Use of in situ tests for foundation design on clay / G. Aas ... [et al.] / / Behaviour of piles in clay under cyclic axial loading : results of field model tests / K. Karlsrud and T. Haugen / / Viscous analysis of submarine flows / L. Edgers and K. Karlsrud
NGI Publication # 1671987Large-scale penetration test at a deep-water site / T. I. Tjelta, T. R. Guttormsen, and J. Hermstad / / Advanced deep-water soil investigation at the Troll East Field / T. Amundsen [et al.] / / Effects of sustained shear stresses on the cyclic degradation of clay / A. Goulois, R. V. Whitman, and K. Høeg
NGI Publication # 1681987Deformation phenomena in jointed rock / N. Barton / / Oedometer testing at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute / G. Sandbækken, T. Berre and S. Lacasse
NGI Publication # 1691987Use of in situ tests in North Sea soil investigations / T. Lunne and S. Lacasse / / Piles in clay under cyclic axial loading : field tests and computational modelling / K. Karlsrud, F. Nadim, and T. Haugen / / In situ density measurements by nuclear backscatter for an offshore soil investigation / T. I. Tjelta [et al.]
NGI Publication # 1701988Comparison of Truly Undrained and Constant Volume Direct Simple Shear Tests / R. Dyvik, T. Berre, S. Lacasse and B. Raadim / / Soil-Structure Interaction of Offshore Structures: Time Domain versus Frequency Domain Analysis / F. Nadim and P. To / / Seismic Hazard in the Northern North Sea / H. Bungum etal. / / Stabilization of Sensitive Clays (Quick Clays) Using AI(OH)2.5 Cl0.5 / O.R. Bryhn, T. Løken and M.G. Reed / / Corrosion and Corrosion Evaluation of Superficial Sediments on the Norwegian Continental Shelf / K.P. Fischer and O.R. Bryhn / / Statistical and Geometrical Definition of Snow Avalanche Runout / D.M. McClung and K. Lied
NGI Publication # 1711988Dilatometer Tests in Sand / S. Lacasse and T. Lunne / / Laboratory and Field Evaluation of Cone Penetrometers / T. Lunne, T. Eidsmoen, D. Gillespie and J. D. Howland / / Effect of Cementation on the Cone Penetration Resistance of Sand / N. S. Rad and M. T. Tumay / / Strength of Fine-Grained Soils Using the Piezoeene / J.M. Keaveny and J.K. Mitchell
NGI Publication # 1721988Predicting the behaviour of underground openings in rocks / N. Barton / / Rock mechanics modelling of the Ekofisk reservoir subsidence / N. Barton ... [et al.]
NGI Publication # 1731988The Storvatn Dam : a rockfill dam with a central core of asphaltic concrete / A. Arnevik, B. Kjærnsli, and S. Walbø / / Behaviour of Storvatn Dam, Norway. A Case of Prediction versus Performance /G.S.N. Adikari, T. Valstad, B. Kjærnsli and K. Høeg / / Updated Review of Norwegian Rock Caverns Storing Liquids, Oil Products or Gas under High Pressure or Low Temperature / R. Lien and F. Løset / / Three-Dimensional Stress State and Fracturing around Cavities in Overstressed Weak Rock / S.C. Bandis, J. Lindman adn N. Barton
NGI Publication # 1741988Foundation Design on Permafrost / O. Gregersen / / A Preliminary Analysis of Climatic Data from the Permafrost Station at Svea, Spitsbergen / S. Bakkehøi and C. Bandis / / Meteorological Conditions' Influence on the Permafrost Ground in Sveagruva, Spitsbergen / S. Bakkehøi and C. Bandis / / Permafrost Conditions in the Shore Area at Svalbard / O. Gregersen and T. Eidsmoen / / Lang Term Settlement Test (3 Years) for Concrete Piles in Permafrost / B.A. Bredesen, O. Puschmann and O. Gregersen / / Long Term Plate Load Tests on Marine Clay in Svea, Svalbard / T. Lunne and T. Eidsmoen
NGI Publication # 1751988Cyclic soil data for design of gravity structures / K. H. Andersen, A. Kleven, and D. Heien / / Bearing capacity for foundations with cyclic loads / K. H. Andersen and R. Lauritzsen / / More information, reduced costs, better designs and improved safety through instrumentation / E. DiBiagio
NGI Publication # 1761988Properties of soft clay under static and cyclic loading / K. H. Andersen / / Comparison of Measured and Calculated Strains and Long-Term Creep in Concrete Gravity Base Structures / E. DiBiagio and T. Dyken / / Geotechnical Site Description Using Stochastic Interpolation / F. Nadim / / A New Offshore Soil Investigation Toolfor Measuring the In-Situ Coefficient of Permeability and Sampling Pore Water and Gas / N.S. Rad etal.
NGI Publication # 1771989Crosshole Seismics Including Geotomography for Investigation of Foundations / T.L. By / / Calibration of Dilatometer Correlations / S. Lacasse and T. Lunne / / Direct Correlations between Piezocone Test Results and Undrained Shear Strength of Clay / N.S. Rad and T. Lunne / / Rotary-Pressure Sounding: 20 Years of Experience / N.O. Rygg and A.Aa. Andresen /
NGI Publication # 1781989Soil reaction stresses on offshore gravity platforms / S. Lacasse and T. B. D'Orazio / / The avalanche accident at Vassdalen, Norway 5 March 1986 / K. Lied / / A synoptic climatology of major avalanche winters in Norway / B. B. Fitzharris and S. Bakkehøi
NGI Publication # 1791989SPT, CPT, pressuremeter testing and recent developments on in situ testing / T. Lunne, S. Lacasse, N.S. Rad and L. Décourt.
NGI Publication # 1801990Cavern Design for Hong Kong Rocks / N. Barton / / Rock Mechanics Design for High Pressure Gas Storage in Shallow Lined Caverns / N.Barton, K. Monsen, P. Chryssanthakis and Ø. Norheim / / Interpretation of the Shut-in Pressure from the Rate of Pressure Decay /L.W. Tunbridge / / Measurement of Rock Stress Using the Hydraulic Fracturing Method in Cornwall, UiK. - Part I. Field Measurements / L.W. Tunbridge, C.M. Cooling and B.C Haimson
NGI Publication # 1811991Model Tests of Gravity Platforms. I: Description / R. Dyvik, K.H. Andersen, C. Madshus and T. Amundsen / / Model Tests of Gravity Platforms. II: Interpretation / K. Andersen, R. Dyvik, R. Lauritzsen, D. Heien, L. Hårvik and T. Amundsen / / Some soil reinforcement parameters for design / R.J. Fannin and S. Herman / / Gmax Measured in Oedometer and DSS Tests Using Bender Elements / R. Dyvik and T.S. Olsen / / Effect of Cyclic Loading on Recompression of Overconsolidated Clay / K. Yashuhara and K. Andersen
NGI Publication # 1821991Model Tests of Gravity Platforms. I: Description / R. Dyvik, K.H. Andersen, C. Madshus and T. Amundsen / / Model Tests of Gravity Platforms. II: Interpretation / K. Andersen, R. Dyvik, R. Lauritzsen, D. Heien, L. Hårvik and T. Amundsen / / Some soil reinforcement parameters for design / R.J. Fannin and S. Herman / / Gmax Measured in Oedometer and DSS Tests Using Bender Elements / R. Dyvik and T.S. Olsen / / Effect of Cyclic Loading on Recompression of Overconsolidated Clay / K. Yashuhara and K. Andersen /
NGI Publication # 1831992Calculation of maximum snow-avalanche run-out distance by use of digital terrain models / K. Lied and R. Toppe / / Simulation of snow-avalance flow in run-out zones / H. Norem, F. Irgens and B. Schieldrop / / Snow-avalance maps for use by the Norwegian Army / K. Lied, F. Sandersen and R. Toppe / / Snø- og steinskred : kartlegging og erfaringer / K. Lied / / Performance data for a sloped reinforced soil wall / R.J. Fannin and S. Hermann / / Creep measurements on polymeric reinforcement / R.J. Fannin and S. Hermann.
NGI Publication # 184 1992Importance of surface wave energy in site response / P. B. Selnes, B. Rognlien and F. Nadim / / Analysis ofearthquake response at a site with uncertain properties / F. Nadim, L. Hårvik, H. Nordal and O.T Gudmestad / / Reliability cf an engineering system under strong earthquake with application to offshore platforms / F. Nadim and O.T. Gudmestad / / Effects of hysteretic shape on dynamic response / P.B. Selnes and F. Nadim / / Seismic response ala rockfill dam with an asphaltic concrete core / T. Valstad, P.B Selnes, F. Nadim and B. Aspen / / Determination of shear strength o.lrock joints at two dam sites and at Stripa Research Mine / G. Vik and P.M. Johansen /
NGI Publication # 1851992Deformations of soils and displacements of structures subjected to combined static and cyclic loads / K. H. Andersen and K. Høeg / / Foundation design of offshore gravity structures / K. H. Andersen / / Recompression of normally consolidated clay after cyclic loading / K. Yasuhara and K. H. Andersen
NGI Publication # 1861992The Use of soil fabric studies in evaluating the strength of clays in a North Sea site investigation / A. Marsland etal. / / Dilatometer soil parameters for analysis of piles in clay / M. A. Gabr etal. / / Experience with the performance of load controlled cone penetration tests in permafrost soils / B. Ladanyi etal. / / Autocorrelation functions for offshore geotechnical data / J. Keaveny etal. / / Expert assistant for updating axial pile capacityfrom pile driving observations / S. Lacasse etal. / / SU/face wave measurements for construction control and maintenance planning of roads and airfields / C. Madshus and H. Westerdahl / / Geophysical ground probing in TBM tunneling/ G. Nord etal.
NGI Publication # 1871992In situ bioremediation of oil pollution in the unsaturated zone / Breedveld etal. / / In situ evaluation of the corrosivity in soils and sediments by the use of an electrochemical probe / Bryhn, O. / / Where has all the judgement come from ? /DiBiagio, E. and Høeg, K. / / Field instrumentation and performance observations to reduce costs and increase reliability / DiBiagio, E. / / The performance of instruments and the success of monitoring programs in the offshore environment / DiBiagio, E.
NGI Publication # 1881992Axial capacity of offshore piles in clay / K. Karlsrud and F. Nadim / / Uncertainty in API parameters for prediction of axial capacity of piles in sand / S. Lacasse and A. Goulois / / NGI's pile tests at at Tibrook and Pentre - Review af testing procedures and results / K. Karlsrud etal. / / Comparison of recent tests on oc clay and implifications for design / F. Nowacki etal. / / Response of piles in soft clay and silt deposits fa static and cyclic axial loading based on recent instrumented pile load tests / K. Karlsrud etal. /
NGI Publication # 1891993Soil parameters for foundation desgin, Troll platform / B. By and S. Skomedal / / Foundation design, Troll platform / B. Hansen, F. Nowacki, E. Skomedal and J. Hermstad / / Clay behaviour under irregular cyclic loading / K.H. Andersen, R. Dyvik, Y. Kikuchi and E. Skomedal / / Effective stress concept for dynamic stiffness of clay / G. Svanø, H. Langø, C. Madshus and E. Skomedal / / Pull-out capacity analyses of suction anchors for tension leg platforms / K.H. Andersen, R. Dyvik and K. Schrøder / / Foundation behaviour of the Frigg CDP1 platform / S. Lacasse, L. Robbestad, P. Boisardand K. Ohm / / Instrumentation of the skirt piled Gullfaks C gravity platform for performance monitoring / F. Myrvoll / / Instrumentation for monitoring the installation and performance of the concrete foundation templates for the Snorre tension leg platform / R. Jonsrud and G. Finnesand
NGI Publication # 1901993Recent developments in in situ testing in offshore soil investigations / T. Lunne and J. Powell / / Skirted foundations for offshore structures / P.M. Aas and K.H. Andersen / / Quantification of soil non-linearity in cyclic loading by the use of Fourier components /C. Madshus and Y. Kikuchi / / Seismic analysis and design of retaining wall / F. Nadim and R.V. Whitman / / Response surfaces for reliability analysis of jacket structures / G. Lebas, S. Lacasse and C.A. Cornell.
NGI Publication # 1911994Reliability issues and future challenges in geotechnical engineering for offshore structures / S. LACASSE AND F. NADIM / / Soil-structure-interaction analysis of embedded caisson anchor under tension load / O.E. HANSTEEN AND K. HØEG / / The 1992 Hibernia GBS sile selection and investigation / J.M. KEAVENY AND O. UGAZ / / A computational model for fixity of spud cans on stiff clay / H.P. JOSTAD, F. NADIM AND K.H. ANDERSEN / / A method 10 determine conductor setting depth in day / K .H. ANDERSEN AND T. LUNNE / / Centrifuge model tests of a gravity platform on very dense sand; I: Testing technique and results / M .A. ALLARD, K.H. ANDERSEN AND I. HERMSTAD / / Centrifuge model tesls of a gravity platform on very dense sand;11: Interpretation / K. H . ANDERSEN, M.A. ALLARD AND J. HERMSTAD
NGI Publication # 1921994Numerical modelling of the hydro-mechanical behaviour of single fractures / M. Gutierrez and N. Barton / / Numerical model for two-phase, semi-miscible and non-isothermal fluid flow in porous and fractured media / M. Gutierrez / / The influence of natural fractures, faults and earth stresses on reservoir performance - geomechanical analysis by numerical modelling / K.J. Heffer etal. / / Modelling of the compaction behaviour of fractured chalk / M. Gutierrez etal. / / Laboratory and numerical discontinuum modelling of wellbore stability / C.G. Rawlings etal. / / Discrete element simulation of faulted reservoir behaviour / A. Makurat etal. / / Cenezoic uplift and cap rock seal in the Barents Sea: Fracture modelling and seal risk evaluation / A. Makurat etal.
NGI Publication # 1931994Field tests of anchors in clay, II: Description / R. Dyvik etal. / / Field tests of anchors in clay. II: Predictions and interpretation / K.H. Andersen etal. / / Gas in soil. I: Detection and n-profiling / N.S. Rad and T. Lunne / / Gas in soils. II: Effect of gas on undrained static and cyclic strength of sand / N.S. Rad, A.J.D. Vianna and T. Berre.
NGI Publication # 1941994Norwegian method of tunnelling / N. Barton / / Borehole radar tunnel detection at Gjøvik, Norway / F.N. Kong, H. Westerdahl and T.L. By / / Engineering geologicalinvestigations and the application of rock mass classification approach in the construction of Norway's underground Olympic stadium / R. Bhasin, N. Barton and F.Løset / / Predicted and measured performance of the 62 m span Norwegian olympic ice hockey cavern at Gjøvik / N. Barton etal. / / Physical and discrete element models of excavation and failure in jointed rock / N.Barton / / Geotechnical core characterization for the UK radioactive waste repository design / N. Barton etal. / / Geotechnical predictions of the excavation disturbed zone at Stripa / N. Barton etal.
NGI Publication # 1951996Dynamic shock wave measurements in coarse saturated rock fill / C. Madshus etal. / / Earthquake response of seismically isolated bridges / B. Bessason / / On the validity of nonlinear spring idealization of soil structure interaction / G. Svanø etal. / / Prediction model for low frequency vibration from high speed railways on soft ground / C. Madshus etal. / / Nutrient demand in bioventing offuel oil pollution / G. Breedveld etal. / / Electrokinetic extraction of lead from spiked Norwegian marine clay / T. Rødsand etal.
NGI Publication # 1961996Estimation of hydraulic fracture pressure in clay / K.H. Andersen etal. / Estimation of hydraulic fracture pressure in clay / K.H. Andersen etal. / / Caisson foundations as alternative anchors for permanent mooring of a process barge offshore Congo / J-L. Colliat etal. / / Suction in sand - new foundation technique for offshore structures / P. Sparrevik / / Horizontal capacity of large-scale model anchors / J.M. Keaveny_etal. / / Coefficient of interface bond i reinforced soil structures / R.J. Fannin etal. / / Predicting ceep settlements of foundations in permafrost from the results of cone penetration tests / B. Ladanyi, T. Lunne etal. / / Development of new platform foundation concept through instrumentation / P. Sparrevik / / Instrumentation for monitoring the Skarnsund cable-stayed bridge / F. Myrvoll etal. / / Performance of a CPR system which uses step frequency signals / F.N. Kong and T.L. By
NGI Publication # 1971996Norwegian experience with embankment dams / K. Høeg etal. / / Europipe Landfall Tunnel / R. Lauritzsen etal. / / Practical experience from microtunnelling in soft clay / H. Midtun and R. Lauritzsen / / The DEr-O VALEX test - case one / A. Makurat etal. / / Engineering geological characterization of low strength anisotropic / rocks in the Himalayan region for assessment of tunnel support / R. Bhasin etal. / / The measurement of small strains and Ku-values in triaxial tests on clay-shales / T. Berre etal. / / Design of tunnel support / N. Barton etal.
NGI Publication # 1981996Foundation Design of Caisson Breakwaters / / "The present document has been prepared as par/ of the MCS-Project (Contract No. MAS2 - CT92 - 00./7) which was led by the University of Hannover (Coordinator: H. Oumeraci) within the 2nd Research Programme of/he European Union (EU) on Marine and Science Technology (EU Scientific Officer: Ch. Fragakis)." (Abstraktet)
NGI Publication # 1991997Skirted anchors - case histories in cost effectiveness / K.H. ANDERSEN / / Design and installation of suction anchor piles at a soft elay site in the Gulf of Guinea / J-L. COLLlAT, P. BOISARD, J-C. GRAMET, P. SPARREVIK / / Numerical modelling of cyclic pile capacity in clay /F. NADIM, R. DAHLBERG / / Model uncertainty in pile axial capacity calculations / S. LACASSE, F. NADIM / / Shallow gas problem at Duyong B offshore Malaysia / T. LUNNE, O.M. ISA, M. TAN / / Use of skirted foundations for well-head jackets /F. NOWACKl, J.F.E. KlU, O.M. ISA / / Suction anchor piles. State of the art / P. SPARREVIK / / Analyses of skirted foundations and anchors in sand subjected to cyclic loading / H.P. JOSTAD, K.H. ANDERSEN, T.I. TJELTA / / Cyclic laboratory tests on Storebælt Clay till / A. KLEVEN, K.H. ANDERSEN / / Bearing capacity, displacement, stiffness and hysteretic damping of Storebælt Bridge Piers under ice loading / K.H. ANDERSEN, O.E. HANSTEEN, M. GUTIERREZ / / Bifurcation analysis offrictional materials / H.P. JOSTAD, S. NORDAL
NGI Publication # 2001997The slide at Bekkelaget /O. Eide & L. Bjerrum / / Stability of strutted excavations in clay / L. Bjerrum & O. Eide / / Short and long-term test loading of a friction pile in clay / O. Eide, J.N. Hutchinson & A. Landva / / Test fills to failure on the soft Bangkok clay / O. Eide & S. Holmberg / / Special application of cast-in-place walls for tunnels in soft clay in Oslo / O. Eide, G. Aas & T. Jøsang / / Marine soil mechanics; applications to North Sea offshore structures / O. Eide / / Exploration, sampling and in-situ testing of soft clay in the Bangkok area / O. Eide / / Unconventional concepts for dykes and dams on soft clay foundations / O. Eide, S. Lacasse, B. Kjærnsli & P.S. Hafskjold / / Foundation engineering for gravity structures in the northern North Sea / O. Eide & K.H. Andersen / / Utførese av Oslo tunnelbane i årene 1955-1975 / O. Eide / / Foundation of bridges in Bangkok / O. Eide & A.J. Bellis / / Grunnforhold i Drammen (Ove Eide's last paper) / O. Eide
NGI Publication # 2011997Recurrent sliding of underwater slope on Cap Lopez in Gabon / S. LACASSE, P. BOISARD / / Analysis of submarine slope stability under seismic action / F. NADIM, B. KALSNES, A. EIDE / / The influence of meteorological factors on the initiation of debris flows, / rockfalls. rockslides and rockmass stability / F. SANDERSEN, S. BAKKEH0I, E. HESTNES, K. LIED / / Ground response to propagating airblast / C. MADSHUS, A.M. KAYNIA / / Forces in pile foundations under seismic loading / A.M. KAYNIA, S. MAHZOONI / / Uncertainties in characterising soil properties / S. LACASSE, F. NADIM / / Performance evaluation. safety assessment and risk analysis for dams / K. HØEG / / Asphalt-concrete core embankment dams / K. HØEG / / Arktisk geoteknikk - erfaringer og problemstillinger fra russiske nordområder / A. INSTANES / / Predicting creep settlements for foundations in permafrost based on the results of in situ tests at Svea. Svalbard / B. LADANYI, T. LUNNE, P. VERGOBBI, B. LHUILLIER
NGI Publication # 2021997Improved CPTU interpretations based on block samples / K. KARLSRUD, T. LUNNE, K. BRATTLIEN / / Use of the piezocone test to predict the axial capacity of driven and jacked piles in clay / M.S.S. ALMEIDA, F.A.B. DANZIGER, T. LUNNE / / Rommen avfallsfylling. Hvordan miljøfaglig ekspertise kan løse et kritisk forurensningsproblem i tettbebyggelse / A. HAUGE, C. HEEN, V. ELLEFSEN / / In situ bioventing of oil contaminated soil in cold climates / M. SPARREVIK, G.D. BREEDVELD / / Stability in hard rock affected by high stress and supported by sprayed concrete and rock bolts / E. GRIMSTAD / / Comparison of predicted and measured performance of a large cavern in the Himalayas / R.K. BHASIN, N. BARTON, E. GRIMSTAD, P. CHRYSSANTHAKIS, F.P. SHENDE / / Shale strength as function. of stress history and diagenesis / M. GUTIERREZ, G. VIK, T. BERRE
NGI Publication # 2031997Snow avalanche experience through 25 years at NGI / K. LIED / / Mathematical modeling of dense avalanches / M. EGLIT / / An overview of avalanche forecasting models and methods / P.M.B. FÖHN / / An overview of natural hazard zoning with special referenee to avalanches / J. HOPF / / Twenty-five years af snow and avalanche research at NGI: Geotechnique contributions / D. MCCLUNG / / Icelandic avalanche runout models compared with topographical models used in other countries / T. JÓHANNESSON / / Rock-avalanche hazard in Møre & Romsdal, western Norway / E. ANDA AND L.H. BLIKRA / / The general structure analysis of avalanche (mudflow) risk assessment / Y.B. ANDREEV / / The potential of sedimentology and stratigraphy in avalanche-hazard research / L.H. BLIKRA AND T. SÆMUNDSON / / A short comparison between Voellmy-fluid and Criminale-Ericksen-Filbyfluid dense snow avalanche models / P. BARTELT AND B. SALM / / Acoustic sensor to measure snowdrift and wind velocity for avalanche forecasting / R. BOLOGNESI, V. CHRITIN AND H. GUBLER / / Dynamics of two-layer slushflows / A.N. BOZHINSKIY AND A.N. NAZAROV / / Verification of avalanche bulletins by questionnaires / B. BRABEC AND T. STUCKI / / PANDALP: A new penetrometer for snow investigation / J.L. BURLET, R. GOURVES AND D. DAUDON / / The differentiation of thaws in connection with slush flow occurrences / P.CHERNOUSS, O. TYAPKlNA, E. HESTNES AND S. BAKKEHØY / / On avalanche run-up heights on deflecting dams: Center-of-mass computations compared with observations / U. DOMAAS AND C.B. HARBITZ / / Models for powder snow avalanches: comparison of two approaches / M.E. EGLIT AND P. REVOL / / The avalanche of la tartera de la Pica (Andorra) / G. FURDADA, J.M. VILAPLANA, E. TOMAS AND D. MAS / / Safran/Crocus/Mepra models as a helping tool for avalanche forecasters / O. GIRAUD, E. BRUN, Y. DURAND & E. MARTIN / / Long-term forecasting of changes of snowiness and avalanche activity in the world due to the global warming / T.G. GLAZOVSKAYA AND Y.G. SELIVERSTOV / / Avalanche hazard mapping using numerical Voellmy-Fluid models / U. GRUBER, P. BARTELT AND H. HAEFNER / / The avalanche at Flateyri, Iceland October 26th 1995 and the avalanche history / S.H. HARALDSDÓTTIR / / *************** Vol 2 ********************** / Conclusions from a recent survey of avalanche computational models / C.B. HARBITZ, D. ISSLER AND C.l. KEYLOCK / / Slushflow hazard control. A review of mitigative measures / E. HESTNES AND F. SANDERSEN / / Opportunity of detailing avalanche forecasts / A.A.ISAEV / / Some results of long-term variability of avalanche activity of CIS mountains / L.A. KANAEV AND Y.G. KAKURINA / / A survey of snow avalanche accidents in Norway / K. KRISTENSEN / / Numerical modeling of avalanche flow / A. KUMAR, S.S. SHARMA AND P. MATHUR / / Design criteria for cylindrical masts exposed to snow creep forces / J.O. LARSEN AND K. KRISTENSEN / / Operational use of a snowpack model for the avalanche warning service in Switzerland: Model development and first experiences / M. LEHNING, P. BARTELT AND B. BROWN / / Snow avalanche at Bleie, Ullensvang, January 1994 / K. LIED, B. INSTANES, U. DOMAAS AND C.B. HARBITZ / / Finite element modeling of snow-pack lying on a slope, considering snow as isotropic compressible viscoplastic media / A. MISHRA AND P. MAHAJAN / / Dense avalanche numerical modeling. Interaction between avalanche and structures / M. NAAlM / / Snow avalanche dynamics: observations and experiments / K. NISHIMURA, Y. ITO, S. KELLER, J. McELWINE, Y. NOHGUCHI, K. IZUMI AND K. KAWADA / / The meteorological condition for larger avalanches at Senjojiki Bowl in Japanese Central Alps / R. NITTA AND Y. HARADA / / Slushflows: Basic properties and spreading / V.F. PEROV / / Using of GIS technology for avalanche hazard mapping, scale 1:10000 / F. PERTZIGER / / Radar measurements of snow avalanche full scale experiment in Ryggfonn / L. RAMMER, K. KRISTENSEN, K. Lrso, H. SCHREIBER AND W.L. RANDEU / / Snowmelt and slush avalanches/slushflows in northern mountains, Sweden. A video presentation / A. RAPP, M. GUDE AND D. SCHERER / / Geomorphologic and geobotanica/ features of slushflows (Khibiny mountains instance) / V. SAPUNOV AND G. SAPUNOVA / / Temperature gradient metamorphism and ifs relation with the avalanche release / P.K. SATYAWALI / / Practical experience with the Austrian powder avalanche simulation model in hazard zoning / S. SAUERMOSER AND H. SCHAFFHAUSER / / 3D modelisation of snow slabs stability / L. SCHILLINGER, D. DAUDON AND E. FLAVIGNY / / Ava/ancheforecastingfor transportation corridor and backcountry in Glacier Nationa/ Park (BC, Canada) / J. SCHWEIZER, J.B. JAMIESON AND D. SKJONSBERG / / Forecast of avalanche danger for the intracontinental regions of Northeast of 245 / Eurasia / Y.G. SELlVERSTOVANDT.G. GLAZOVSKAYA / / Avalanche defences for Flateyri, Iceland. From hazard evaluation to construction of defences / F. SIGURDSSON, G.G. TOMASSON AND F. SANDERSEN / / Regime of mudflows and its potential changes due to global warming / T. SIDOROVA / / Transferring avalanches between paths / S. SIGURDSSON, K. JÓNASSON AND I. ARNALDS / / Avalanche caused catastrophes on the mountainous rivers / A. I. SOLDA TOV / / The avalanche monitoring system of Mount Pizzac / F. SOMMAVILLA AND B. SOVILLA / / Changes of the avalanche cadastre in the Czech part of the Giant Mts. / V. SPUSTA AND M. KOCIANOVA / / A new concept for avalanche warning in Switzerland / T. STUCKI, W. AMMANN, R. MEISTER AND B. BRABEC / / The avalanche situation in Neskaupstaôur, Iceland. A preliminary defensive plan / G.G. TOMASSON, F. SIGURDSSON AND F. RAPIN / / Quantitative risk analysis for evaluation of avalanche protection projects / C. WILHELM
NGI Publication # 2041999Installation and retrieval of suction anchors / Guttormsen, T.R. Eklund, T. Sparrevik, P. / / Installation behaviour of suction anchor piles at a soft clay site / Colliat, J.L. Boisard, P. Sparrevik, P. Gramet, J.C. / / Remediation of contaminated sediments in Oslo harbour, Norway / Hauge, A. Konieczny, R.M. Halvorsen, P.Ø. Eikum, A. / / Sample disturbance effects in soft low plastic Norwegian clay / Lunne, T. Berre, T. Strandvik, S. / / The influence of joint properties in modelling jointed rock masses / Barton, N. / / Treatment of jet fuel-contaminated runoff water by subsurface infiltration/Breedveld, G.D. Olstad, G. Aagaard, P.
NGI Publication # 2051999A numerical ground model for railway-induced vibration / C. MADSHUS, A.M. KAYNIA, L. HÅRVIK, J.K. HOLME / / Impedance models for machine foundation analyses / A.M. KAYNIA, C. MADSHUS, H.P. JOSTAD, R. FURUHOVDE / / Site effects for long-period Rayleigh waves / A. KAYNIA, F. NADIM / / Evaluation of clay strength for seismic slope stability analysis / F. NADIM, B. KALSNES / / Numerical simulation of fiber reinforced shotcrete in a tunnel using the discrete element method / P. CHRYSSANTHAKIS, N. BARTON, L. LORIG, M. CHRISTIANSON / / Rock support in hard rock tunnels under high stress / E. GRIMSTAD, R. BHASIN / / Internal erosion and rehabilitation of Jukla rock fill dams / P.M. JOHANSEN, I. H. EIKEVIK / / Coupled HTM modelling of cold water injection infractured hydrocarbon / M. GUTTIEREZ, A. MAKURAT / / Foundation analysis of the Hibernia GBS / O.G. UGAZ, F. NOWACKI, L. HÅRVIK / / Simulations of dense-snow avalanches on deflecting dams / F. IRGENS, B. SCHIELDROP, C.B. HARBITZ, U. DOMAAS, R. OPSAHL
NGI Publication # 207 : Ralph B. Peck - Engineer, Educator: A Man of Judgement2000The Norwegian Connection / / A Profile of His Career / / In His Own Words / / Recognition Where Recognition Is Due / / The Art of Subsurface Engineering / / The Just One-Page Summary / / No Job without Its Lesson / / If It’s Important, Say Why / / Influence of Non-Technical Factors / / Words of Wisdom / / To Publish or Not To Publish / / Bibliography: Ralph B. Peck
NGI Publication # 2082012New concepts for the mobilization of the components of shear resistance in clay - a review of a large experimental study to determine the behavior of Mohr-Coulomb cohesion and friction in clay / J.H. Schmertmann / / Deep water geotechnical engineering / K.H. Andersen, T. Lunne, T.J. Kvalstad and C.F. Forsberg / / Program for Workshop, 33rd IGC in Lillestrøm Norway / Geohazards - a tribute to Kaare Høeg. A Life in GeoSciences / / Program for Workshop, 33rd IGC in Lillestrøm Norway / Theme of the Day. Geohazards: Can society cope?
NGI Publication # 2092022Shear strength of Soft Clay in Terms of Effective Stresses / Gunnar Aas and Suzanne Lacasse / / K0 as Function of Changes in Stress and Strain Conditions during Consolidation, Unloading and Reloading / Gunnar Aas and Suzanne Lacasse / / Vane Shear Strength in Terms of Effective Stresses / Gunnar Aas and Suzanne Lacasse / / Undrained Shear Strength of Overconsolidated Clays / Gunnar Aas and Suzanne Lacasse / / Stability of Natural Slopes in Quick Clays / Gunnar Aas and Suzanne Lacasse / / Yield stresses in Soft Contracting Clays / Gunnar Aas and Suzanne Lacasse